We not only want to promote your child’s development, but also document it according to the latest scientific standards. This allows us to give you, as parents, qualified feedback on the developmental status of your child and at the same time provide targeted support.
Therefore, since 2012 and as the first daycare center in Munich, we have been participating in the Jacobs-Pauen project MONDEY (Milestones OfNormal Developmentin Early Years) of the University of Heidelberg. Information can be found at:
The program is specifically designed for the observation and documentation of early childhood development. This compares your child’s development on an anonymous basis with many thousands of other participating children. Due to the large number of participating children compared to a purely nursery-based observation, you as parents receive a scientifically based overview of your child’s developmental status.
This documentation is the basis for our semi-annual developmental interview.
In our info material section you will find the MONDEY short scale for download.