Our pedagogical concept
The Bavarian Child Education and Care Act (BayKiBiG) and the Bavarian Education Plan serve as the basis of our pedagogical concept.
From this we derive the focus of our pedagogy:
– Social life and emotional competences
– Language, literature and written culture
– Health, body and nutrition
– Movement, rhythm, dance and sports
– Music and representation
– Creativity, art and design
– Science, mathematics and technology
– Information and communication technology, media
– Ecological lifestyle, nature and environment
All this, of course, in a form adapted to the specific age group. Our most important principle in the care of the young people entrusted to us is that we positively promote their holistic development and optimally support them in their personality development. Thus, we see ourselves as an educational institution that, on the one hand, encourages discovery, learning and exploration, but on the other hand, also picks up on the children’s natural curiosity, thus challenging and supporting their own active educational processes – picking up on and expanding the children’s ideas and topics. Through a diverse range of activities, materials and spaces, we make these different areas of education accessible to the children and accompany them in the process. Regular, targeted observation, documentation and reflection on developmental progress and competencies are important in order to provide all children in the house with the best possible individual support and encouragement.
If you are interested in our entire pedagogical concept, please contact us and we will be happy to provide you with a printed version.
Animal assisted pedagogy
Animals and especially pets have always been and will always be companions and helpers of man. In order to provide the children with an open-minded, nature-oriented and animal-centered image, a special point of our concept is animal-assisted intervention and pedagogy.
Unfortunately, children – especially in a big city – have less and less opportunity to get up close and personal with pets. It is often not possible for parents to enable their children to grow up together with animals in a meaningful and animal-friendly way. Therefore, we consider it very important to bring young children into positive contact with animals and to link these animal contacts with many good and beautiful experiences and feelings. The great treasure of love for animals gained from this will then be taken by the children into their adolescent and adult lives.
In our home your child will find guinea pigs, our therapy dog Genji, and our playful dog Asuna, both Shiba Inu’s.
For the guinea pigs, the children already take responsibility, feed and care for them daily.
Genji’s and Asuna’s duties are not only to be loving play partners for the children, but also to be encouragers and soul comforters for shy, anxious or sad children. Especially beautiful, heart-warming experiences are when very quiet and introverted children suddenly laugh heartily and are happy for the first time when they come into contact with our dogs.
Likewise, quite lively children come better to rest and concentrate in direct contact with our animals.

What we attach great importance to
We believe that children of all ages should spend as much time as possible in the fresh air. Our 500 m2 open spaces therefore invite you to play, romp and discover the environment in every season. Playground equipment for climbing, a Bobbycar race track, a slide and a large sandbox provide a child-friendly environment for creative outdoor play.
We want to plant vegetables and herbs together with the children and teach them the value of a healthy diet.
Our chef also contributes to this, providing our little guests daily fresh from our kitchen with everything children need to thrive and grow. This also enables us to address nutritional specifics of our children and, for example, to accommodate restrictions based on health, ethical or religious reasons.
We also have a responsibility for the production of the products we offer our children. Therefore, we purchase our meat and sausage products exclusively from Herrmannsdorfer Landwerkstätten www.herrmannsdorfer.de. We are convinced that only a species-appropriate husbandry of animals produces the food quality we expect. We also want to be able to identify with the way animals are kept from the ethical point of view.
We are convinced of its effect, which is why we rely on GRANDER water revitalization in our house. The benefit is clear for us:
- high drinking pleasure due to fine taste of the water
- revitalized water is smoother and easier to drink
- fine, fresh and intense flavor of food
- economical consumption of detergents and cleaning agents
You can find out more about GRANDER water revitalization at www.grander.com.
A house like ours is also a significant consumer of electrical power. We obtain 100% of our electricity from renewable sources from the Munich-based company Polarstern www.polarstern-energie.de
However, our in-house 15 kWp photovoltaic system has been helping us to significantly reduce our external electricity requirements since 2011.